Saturday, February 14, 2009

Back from holidays!

What a wonderful holiday! We got fed sooooo many fantastic home cooked meals by my mum, aunt and sister, and also an incredible spit roast that is the best I have ever had. Considering my family's Southern European origins, this is a big boast! My cousin has the art of the spit roast perfected.

It was great to see my family again after so long and to check out all the old stomping grounds. Sydney is so big, and I have got used to quieter living! The little man had a blast checking out so many people and all the huge skyscrapers. Most especially he loved getting to ride on the trains (he's just turned 3 and LOVES Thomas the tank engine).

It was great to see new jewellery designs in a different place, and though some were so-so, some were fantastic and have inspired some new ideas I am just dying to try out. Today is catching up with everything post-holiday, and tomorrow I am working, but after that I am back in the creating groove - can't wait!